I don't know about all of you, but I use this holiday time to do some reflection. With only 5 days remaining until Christmas is here and only 11 days remaining of 2012, it is the best time for me to take a minute or two out of the hustle and bustle of the season to sit down and just breathe. As big fluffy flakes of frozen water descend from the sky to coat everything in a blanket of white, a silence falls over the wintery world. Isn't it wonderful! The sounds of cars traveling on snow covered roads becomes the gentle crunch of tires moving slowly through the drifts. All is quiet.
This is the time of winter I love best. Just after a big snowfall, before the snowplows come barreling through, before the sounds of shovels hitting pavement and snowblowers roaring down driveways. It's the perfect time to sit by the window with a cup of hot chocolate (and a cookie or two), look out at the world and think about the past year. What am I thankful for? What do I wish I had accomplished? What regrets do I have? What can I do better?
This year I have much to be thankful for. I'd like to say a big THANK YOU to my sister, Diane, who is the developer of this beautiful blog and does all of the behind the scenes stuff that makes the page, facebook page and ATA girl store come together. She's an ATA girl with fingers in many pots of paint, able to create works of artsy goodness with a snap of her fingers. She's given me an outlet for my writing and allowed me to let my creative juices flow so that this blog can be filled with cool things for you all to read. I'm thankful for all the wonderful ATA girls and guys I've met, some of whom I've been able to share with you here. I'm also thankful for our many followers and friends that have "liked" us here or on our facebook page. Your support has been a guiding force for our endeavors.
So to all of you who take the time to visit our page, support our stores, and enjoy our projects.... we wish you a Merry Holiday Season and a Safe and Happy New Year.
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