- so did you ever see something in the store and want to hit yourself
in the head and say "Why didn't I think of that!!" Well, I had one of
those moments recently. Luckily - I didn't hit myself so hard as to see
stars - but I hate it when that happens. And - I'm sure you realize by
now that when that happens, I immediately have to figure out how to do
it for myself, preferably without spending any money.
My story begins......Since spring has finally settled into the midwest and planting season has started, I hit the garden center. Oh the humanity! People everywhere - getting in the way of my selecting that perfect annual or perennial to add to the garden space, or seeds to plant in the veggie spot. As I wended my way through the crowds, my attention was captured by a colorful display. As I moved closer to see what it was (because I'm ALL about the color - doncha know), I had my "aha" moment. Painted tomato cages! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT! In bright colors of yellow, orange, red, blue and green they would make an instant statement in my garden. Then I checked out the price tag and practically passed out.
For this project - you need some old
tomato cages, a rag, some colorful Rustoleum spray paint and well
ventilated spot for painting. I placed my cages in an old pot, so that
they would stand up straight as I painted them... but you could also
plant the stakes in the ground to keep them upright while drying.
your rag - wipe off any loose dirt and rust until the cage is
reasonably clean. Shake the paint can well, then begin to paint. I
found that painting the inside of the cage opposite where you are
standing is a great way to start. By giving the inside a nice coat of
paint first, you eliminate the chance of getting lines of paint on your
arms when you go back later (my arms are streaked right now).
Let your cages dry in the sun. If needed, apply a second coat. I found that placing them in the sun allows the paint to almost
bake on... making it stronger and longer lasting.
- now I have painted cages to brighten my garden and it didn't cost me
anything but time. Guess I have to go and finish the planting now.
Have a great weekend!! ~ Dani